This celebratory beer comes in a a full on 10% and is aged for two months before it's bottled, I can't find what it's aged in, but I'm sure someone out there knows.
The aroma is very inviting. It smells a little of marshmellow and loads of marmalade. There's a slight hint of sweet candy sugar too, which almost gives it a Belgian quality. The beer itself is incredibly fruity. I'm thinking sweet jams, marmalade, some figs, raisins - the good old fruit cake like flavours you'd expect from a big Strong Ale.
It's rich and rather warming, with a long drying/bittering and slightly woody finish. It's a great beer, and it's great to see local brewers like Naylors trying something out of their ordinary range and getting it spot on, so well played! Not that I think you need an excuse to get your party on but, you can get your party on to beers like this and celebrate with good folk like Naylors!
Sounds like a goodie mate, I'll add it to my ever growing wish list….